Thursday, May 7, 2009

Plastic Surgery - Viagra for Cellulite? Hmmm

We all know about “Sildenafil”, better known as Viagra.

Now, Viagra MAY the answer to the nemesis of all cellulite.

Researchers in Zagreb, Croatia have found that Viagra, when combined with skin moisturizers, may have a beneficial effect on cellulite. Viagra has an enzyme that has broken down fat in test tubes. Viagra also has the ability to increase blood flow to the area.

So the “theory” is rub the Viagra on the cellulite → breakdown the fat cells → and with the new blood supply → whoosh the cellulite is gone.

It sounds great! It could really be some “pricey moisturizing cream”.

Stay tuned more to come.


Want to know more about plastic surgery? Interested Fort Myers/Cape Coral resources? Take a look at Dr. Brueck's website. It's chock-a-block with helpful information.

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