Sunday, October 21, 2012

Botox (R) and OAB

OAB is not a new government agency. At least, not this OAB, which stands for "overactive bladder". (But who knows? There also may be a government agency with the initials OAB).  

Women who suffer from OAB, or "overactive bladde", also have episodic bladder incontinence.  In other words, the bladder muscle starts squeezing to push urine out before you’re ready to go — even if your bladder isn’t full. These contractions can create strong sudden urges to go, which can lead to leaks. Signs and symptoms of overactive bladder may mean

  • A strong, suddden urge to urinate.
  • Involuntary lossof urine immediately following an urgent need to urinate.
  • Frequent urination, usually eight or more times in a 24-hour period.
  • Awakened two or more times at night to urinate.

Although you may be able to get to the toilet in time when you sense an urge to urinate, frequent and nighttime urination, as well as the need to suddenly stop what you are doing can disrupt your life.
Now, a new study out of Duke University found that an injection of Botox in the bladder worked as well as pills daily and was more effective in completely resolving symptoms. It appears that women with OAB will have “another” choice.

I issue these little health bulletins based on my continuing research as a Fort Myers Florida cosmetic surgeon. But they are not and should not be considered medical advice. Always see your physician before considering treatment for any condition.

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