Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can Plastic Surgery give a lift to your job security

From North America to the UK, cosmetic plastic surgery is becoming an important part of the employee’s resume tool box.

Reuters news service reports that plastic surgeons are seeing increased interest from people seeking surgery to look younger and more employable. A male music producer in Los Angeles claims to have invested $17,000 in a face lift. His goal? To look younger and feel more confident. That’s right, a male.

Despite perceptions that cosmetic surgery is only for women, the Yorkshire (UK) Post reports that men also are having more cosmetic surgery these days. Cosmetic procedures for men have increased 25% in England in the last year. Patients range from accountants and attorneys to government employees, with the most popular procedure, according to the Post, being male breast reductions. Mini-face lifts to remove jowls also are popular.

Meanwhile, back in the US, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has completed a study in which they found more American women were thinking of plastic cosmetic surgery as a way to get a competitive edge at work. 756 women between 18 and 64 were surveyed.

Around 73% felt that a youthful appearance plays a role in getting employment, getting promoted and getting new clients. 13% said they would consider a cosmetic procedure to improve their chances of landing a good job. They cited the difficult economic times as contributing to the importance of looking young and energetic.

As a Board Certified plastic surgeon practicing in Southwest Florida I have observed that, as the job market gets tighter, more people are looking to get an ‘edge’ in the jobs competition. Many times this means ‘looking’ younger. Patients tell me they need to look younger because job interviewers seem more concerned about “appearances” than qualifications.

I am seeing people in their 40s and 50s, who must compete with people who may be 10 to 15 years younger. They are investigating cosmetic procedures to make them more competitive in the marketplace.”

If you are in a field that is populated by a large number of young people, looking young may help you succeed.

One woman, who asked not to be named, says she attends networking gatherings where she has noticed she is amongst women who are much younger-looking. “It’s difficult to be confident in that setting”, she observed. “I know some of these women have gone through facial rejuvenation and, darn it, they look younger than me. How do you compete with that?”

I recently worked with a 30-ish woman who came to me for facial rejuvenation. She was convinced that making her aging face look younger would help her land and keep the job she wanted.

In another case, a middle-aged woman came in recently and said she needed to look younger to be more competitive in this market. The procedure I recommended was an eyelid lift. I think it makes a big, big difference to get rid of that overhanging skin that makes your eyes look tired and old. After all, the eyes are one of the first places an interviewer looks. There’s a reason they call it ‘eye contact’.

An eyelid lift is simple, safe and recovery time is minimal. You can shampoo your hair the next day and have stitches out in 3 or 4 days.

But it’s not only facial procedures. Another young, working mother who was experiencing sagging breasts from nursing after childbirth, decided that a breast lift would put more bounce in her step, give her more confidence in her interactions with others and enhance her job security.

People who elect to have plastic surgery in today’s economy consider these procedures to be investments in their future earning power. Those who are short of ready cash for a procedure are finding financing opportunities. We accept financing through CareCredit . (see our (http://www.beauty-by-brueck.com/Links.htm ) CareCredit offers credit plans for medical care, some of which are even interest-free

The procedures can range from relatively inexpensive, non-surgical procedures such as Botox or other filler injections to eliminate age-betraying wrinkles to more extensive surgeries such as eyelid lifts, chin lifts, mommy makeovers (tummy tucks) and breast enhancements.

A male sales rep in New Jersey talks about being passed over for jobs he was qualified to fill. Once he chose to have wrinkles and other signs of aging around his face and neck rejuvenated, he found employers were more receptive. “Maybe I just came off as more confident and energetic, not necessarily “younger-looking”. So what? If it helped me get a job I might otherwise not have been considered for, that’s what matters.”

A web site devoted to members of the legal profession conducted a poll in which 58% of respondents said that implants could only help a woman’s career. It seems that a woman attorney who uses breast implants to improve her physique is apt to receive a positive reaction from her employers. But it is not surgically enhanced breasts that makes the difference. It is a more confident and forthcoming attitude as a result of a more youthful profile that may make a woman appear more qualified.

In reality, it is almost required that the enhancement not be noticeable. The kind of modest attire women in professions wear is designed to leave more to the imagination than to the eye. Therefore, breast enhancement for these women seldom exceeds one size. The result is a woman who feels better about herself and her appearance. More than one size can call more attention to the change than to the person.

For whatever reason, with competition for jobs, promotions and assignments on the uptick, anything you can do to look more confident, more energetic and, yes, even more attractive, may make the difference you need in your career development.

It would be wonderful if we all were judged solely on our inner beauty and professional qualifications. But in the real world how you look appears to influence how others see you and how you feel about yourself.

There is no escaping the fact that surgical enhancement may make a difference in getting employed more quickly and justifying a salary that supports your lifestyle.

If you are looking for ways to invest in your future and plastic surgery is a possibility, the first thing to do is talk to at least one Board Certified plastic surgeon about the available options. (You can arrange for a personal, private confidential consultation with me, simply by calling my office at 239-939-5233.)

Ask every question that comes into your mind, including how you will pay for it and if the doctor has any special deals. You may be surprised at how affordable this investment is. We are offering some deep discounts coming into the summer. Just ask.

For more information, click here to visit my website Beauty-by-Brueck.com

Thank you.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Plastic Surgery - Do Silicone Breast Implants Cause Cancer?

This is a question that I have been asked over and over again.

It was very prevalent during the time when there was a significant amount of controversy concerning silicone implants and possible medical conditions arising because of them.

There is a new study published in the “International Journal of Cancer” that suggests women with silicone breast implants have a LOWER risk for breast cancer.

The analysis included 6,222 women in Sweden and Denmark, 80% of whom had silicone implants and this study represents the longest follow-up of women with breast implants to date. 85% of the women were followed for over 10 years and 50% for more than 15 years.

Based on general population rates the researchers expected 115.62 women out of this study group to have breast cancer but only 84 cases developed. This is statistically significant. Further research, I’m sure, will be done on the potential for silicone implants to possibly have a beneficial effect in warding off breast cancer.

For more information about breast implants, visit Dr. Brueck's web site at Beauty-by-Brueck.com

Plastic Surgery - Is Botox Safe?

I have had recent calls and emails concerning the safety of Botox.

Botox, as you know, is produced by a company called Allergan and the FDA has requested that Allergan include a strong warning about the risks of severe complications if the injected botulism toxin i.e. Botox spreads in the body.

The FDA said that this move was prompted by the fact that they were investigating several deaths and hospitalization of children who were given the product to treat cerebral palsy.

Generally speaking, in treating cerebral palsy the doses utilized are quite significant. Most of the time in adults it occurred after the treatment of muscular spasticity or cervical dystonia.

However, with regard to dermatologic use such as the injection of glabellar frown lines and crow’s feet there have been “no definite serious adverse events” related to the spread of the toxin. The FDA also said that “in the deaths of adults, it is not possible at this time to attribute them to the botulism because the patients also suffer from complications of their pre-existing conditions”.

Allergan released a statement afterwards that it would work with the FDA to update the label for Botox.

A new product recently receiving FDA approval is Dysport or Reloxin which will also have similar warnings.

For more information about Botox and other similar products, visit Dr. Brueck's web site, Beauty-by-Brueck.com.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Plastic Surgery News - Cape Coral FL Seminar

Dr. Robert Brueck to dispel myths about plastic surgery in two free Cape Coral seminars.

Cape Coral, FL May 12, 2009:

What are the real risks of having a tummy tuck?

What about liposuction?

Are breast implants safe?

Can I avoid surgical scars?

How many face lifts are too many?

These are the kinds of questions average people ask about plastic surgery.

Now, members and guests of the Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Clubhttp://www.MidCapeRH.com) will hear answers from one of Southwest Florida’s Top Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Robert J. Brueck MD and Board Certified in Plastic Surgery (http://www.Beauty-by-Brueck.com) (

Dr. Brueck will make two free presentations on the subject of “The Real Truth about Cosmetic Surgery”. The first presentation, on Wednesday, May 27, 2009, will focus on facial rejuvenation, including eyes, skin and Obagi . The second will focus on body contouring, tummy tucks and breast enhancement on Wednesday, June 10, 2009.

Presentations will be from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, with food and refreshments offered. Those who attend either or both presentations will be eligible to win in a drawing for free baskets of skin care items.

Reservations may requested by calling Bob Lynch at Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club, 239-573-3210. For more information about plastic surgery or to arrange a free, private consultation with Dr. Brueck, please contact judy@abodyandface.com or by calling Judy at 239-939-5233.

The Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club is Cape Coral’s largest and most popular tennis and fitness facility, 10 outdoor clay courts, a tennis director, head professional, fitness director, personal trainer and group exercise instructor. It is located at 1300 Ceitus Terrace, Cape Coral, 33991.

Dr. Robert J. Brueck has been Board Certified in plastic surgery by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons and has been practicing in Southwest Florida for 28 years. He has offices in Fort Myers at 3700 Central Avenue and Cape Coral at 14 N. Del Prado, Suite 302. His medical degree was earned at the University of Illinois, College of Medicine. His residency in plastic surgery was done at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Dr. Brueck was named one of the Top Surgeons in Southwest Florida from 2003 through 2008, in a survey conducted by Castle Connelly LLC and published by Gulfshore Life magazine.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Plastic Surgery - What recesssion

The economic downturn has certainly had its effects on cosmetic surgery.

The "lipstick effect", which is a name given to the economic phenomenon of increased sales of lipstick and other feel good products such as cologne and mascara during hard times, seems to apply to cosmetic medicine in particular. The number of invasive procedures performed in 2008 was up 5% compared to 2007.

A large part of this increase was due to people spending less on surgical procedures and choosing minimally invasive procedures instead. The number of surgical cosmetic procedures dropped 9% from 2007 to 2008 and a big part of this was due to the economic downturn.

The overall top surgical cosmetic procedure in 2008 was breast augmentation with 307,000, followed by rhinoplasty 279,000, the third was liposuction 245,000, and eyelid surgery 221,000 and tummy tuck 122,000.

So this is the second year in a row that breast augmentation has topped the charts as the number one procedure. I believe that this is due to the fact that silicone implants have been put back on the market.

Botox continues to lead the pack of minimally invasive procedures with over 5 million injections in 2008. With the recent FDA approval of Reloxin from Medicis , we may see an increase as prices fall and demand will increase.

The second most common minimally invasive procedure was the injection of Hyaluronic acid fillers which was a far distant second with 1.1 million injections; reflecting a 6% increase over 2007.

Overall, women accounted for 91% of all cosmetic procedures performed. One of the most common procedures among men was blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery and that declined 11% in 2008 while rhinoplasty (nose surgery) gained nearly 1%.

Interestingly enough the number of repeat customers or repeat patients in 2008 was up 7%. Office facility procedures were also up 13%. So in general, 2008 was a down year because of the economy.

As the economy rebounds we expect the number of people seeking cosmetic surgical improvement and procedures will increase.

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Plastic surgery - Impact on Quality of Life

People have cosmetic surgery for a variety of reasons.

Some people want to be hip, cool, and some merely want to look better to get a job. No small task in this economic environment.


A study by Shakespeare and Cole of 110 patients undergoing breast reductions showed a substantial improvement in physical and social function as well as mental and general health.

A study by Rankin of 105 patients undergoing elective cosmetic surgery showed a marked improvement in quality of life; there was less depression and marked increase in their social and sexual lives.

A multi-center study done by Meningoud of 103 patients found patients had LESS social anxiety; however, depression did not improve significantly.

So there you have it. Who needs Lexapro or Paxil when you have your favorite plastic surgeon on hand?

Stop the pills and come on in.


Subscribe to this blog for on-going discussions of plastic surgery and it role in modern life. And visit Dr. Brueck's web site for a more complete and comprehensive view of plastic surgery and its contribution to emotional well-being.

Plastic Surgery - Herbal Supplements are no-no's

Many patients coming in for elective cosmetic surgery are in the process of taking dietary supplements such as fish-oil, Ginseng, Ginkgo-biloba and the list goes on.

You MUST STOP taking all herbal supplements 2 to 3 weeks before surgery. And you must advise your surgeon of any herbal supplements or other substances you have been taking. They may disqualify you, temporarily, for any cosmetic plastic surgery.

The reason is simple; minimize the potential for any drug interactions.

Many of these “supplements” can affect blood clotting.

Not too long ago I did a face lift on a lady who had taken fish-oil and it took all the skill and attention I had to stop her oozing.

So remember,


For more information about plastic surgery in Fort Myers, visit Dr. Brueck's web site. The more you learn the better off you will be.

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Plastic Surgery - Update on “RELOXIN”

Botox has enjoyed a “monopoly” ever since it came on the scene.

It’s long awaited rival Reloxin has been delayed by another government bureaucracy, the FDA.

It may not come out until late 2009, but when it does “WOW”. The competition will be great as it always is. Prices will likely come down.

The FDA’s reasons for the delay concern the company’s plan to handle potential risks.

Hold on to your hats; the roller coaster ride will soon begin.

Interested in Botox as a filler? Check out Dr. Brueck's website for more information.

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Plastic Surgery - Viagra for Cellulite? Hmmm

We all know about “Sildenafil”, better known as Viagra.

Now, Viagra MAY the answer to the nemesis of all cellulite.

Researchers in Zagreb, Croatia have found that Viagra, when combined with skin moisturizers, may have a beneficial effect on cellulite. Viagra has an enzyme that has broken down fat in test tubes. Viagra also has the ability to increase blood flow to the area.

So the “theory” is rub the Viagra on the cellulite → breakdown the fat cells → and with the new blood supply → whoosh the cellulite is gone.

It sounds great! It could really be some “pricey moisturizing cream”.

Stay tuned more to come.


Want to know more about plastic surgery? Interested Fort Myers/Cape Coral resources? Take a look at Dr. Brueck's website. It's chock-a-block with helpful information.

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