Can Plastic Surgery give a lift to your job security
Reuters news service reports that plastic surgeons are seeing increased interest from people seeking surgery to look younger and more employable. A male music producer in
Despite perceptions that cosmetic surgery is only for women, the Yorkshire (UK) Post reports that men also are having more cosmetic surgery these days. Cosmetic procedures for men have increased 25% in
Meanwhile, back in the
Around 73% felt that a youthful appearance plays a role in getting employment, getting promoted and getting new clients. 13% said they would consider a cosmetic procedure to improve their chances of landing a good job. They cited the difficult economic times as contributing to the importance of looking young and energetic.
As a Board Certified plastic surgeon practicing in
If you are in a field that is populated by a large number of young people, looking young may help you succeed.
One woman, who asked not to be named, says she attends networking gatherings where she has noticed she is amongst women who are much younger-looking. “It’s difficult to be confident in that setting”, she observed. “I know some of these women have gone through facial rejuvenation and, darn it, they look younger than me. How do you compete with that?”
I recently worked with a 30-ish woman who came to me for facial rejuvenation. She was convinced that making her aging face look younger would help her land and keep the job she wanted.
In another case, a middle-aged woman came in recently and said she needed to look younger to be more competitive in this market. The procedure I recommended was an eyelid lift. I think it makes a big, big difference to get rid of that overhanging skin that makes your eyes look tired and old. After all, the eyes are one of the first places an interviewer looks. There’s a reason they call it ‘eye contact’.
An eyelid lift is simple, safe and recovery time is minimal. You can shampoo your hair the next day and have stitches out in 3 or 4 days.
But it’s not only facial procedures. Another young, working mother who was experiencing sagging breasts from nursing after childbirth, decided that a breast lift would put more bounce in her step, give her more confidence in her interactions with others and enhance her job security.
People who elect to have plastic surgery in today’s economy consider these procedures to be investments in their future earning power. Those who are short of ready cash for a procedure are finding financing opportunities. We accept financing through CareCredit . (see our ( ) CareCredit offers credit plans for medical care, some of which are even interest-free
The procedures can range from relatively inexpensive, non-surgical procedures such as Botox or other filler injections to eliminate age-betraying wrinkles to more extensive surgeries such as eyelid lifts, chin lifts, mommy makeovers (tummy tucks) and breast enhancements.
A male sales rep in
A web site devoted to members of the legal profession conducted a poll in which 58% of respondents said that implants could only help a woman’s career. It seems that a woman attorney who uses breast implants to improve her physique is apt to receive a positive reaction from her employers. But it is not surgically enhanced breasts that makes the difference. It is a more confident and forthcoming attitude as a result of a more youthful profile that may make a woman appear more qualified.
In reality, it is almost required that the enhancement not be noticeable. The kind of modest attire women in professions wear is designed to leave more to the imagination than to the eye. Therefore, breast enhancement for these women seldom exceeds one size. The result is a woman who feels better about herself and her appearance. More than one size can call more attention to the change than to the person.
For whatever reason, with competition for jobs, promotions and assignments on the uptick, anything you can do to look more confident, more energetic and, yes, even more attractive, may make the difference you need in your career development.
It would be wonderful if we all were judged solely on our inner beauty and professional qualifications. But in the real world how you look appears to influence how others see you and how you feel about yourself.
There is no escaping the fact that surgical enhancement may make a difference in getting employed more quickly and justifying a salary that supports your lifestyle.
If you are looking for ways to invest in your future and plastic surgery is a possibility, the first thing to do is talk to at least one Board Certified plastic surgeon about the available options. (You can arrange for a personal, private confidential consultation with me, simply by calling my office at 239-939-5233.)
Ask every question that comes into your mind, including how you will pay for it and if the doctor has any special deals. You may be surprised at how affordable this investment is. We are offering some deep discounts coming into the summer. Just ask.
For more information, click here to visit my website
Thank you.
Labels: cosmetic surgery, Dr. Brueck Plastic Surgery, etic surgery. employment, job hunt