Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dr. Brueck discusses non-surgical cosmetic procedures

This is another in a series of blog entries concerning cosmetic surgery by Dr. Robert Brueck MD, a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon practicing in Fort Myers, Florida. Dr. Brueck also offers a web site at with comprehensive information about almost all aspects of cosmetic and plastic surgery.

In this TV appearance on American Health Journal, I talk about non-surgical options available to patients who seek facial rejuvenation without surgery. In fact, this choice is very popular. Injections of various fillers, from Botox and Dysport to injections using the patient's own "fat" when reduced to stem cells, are the single most widespread treatments being selected by patients.

As I mention in the video recording, non-surgical procedures are excellent choices in cases where there is minimal rejuvenation desired, the remediation of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, for example. Recovery time is almost instant in many cases. And the cost is significantly less that undergoing surgery.

Please note: Every patient's case and condition is different. What works for one patient may not be the best solution for you. That's why it is critical that the first step in considering cosmetic treatment is to consult with your doctor. He or she can evaluate your needs and help you determine the best procedure to achieve your specific goals

At my practice in Fort Myers, I offer a free initial consultation to every patient. There is no charge for this private and confidential consultation. In fact, it is so important that I require it before any treatment arrangements are made.

Enjoy the video. And Happy New Year to all.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dr. Brueck discusses breast lifts on TV

Dr. Robert Brueck MD, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who practicwes in Fort Myers Florida, periodically blogs at this address about matters of health, beauty and medicine. His web site at also offers a comprehensive discussion of all plastic surgery procedures.

As part of my continuing series of appearances on American Health Journal, a syndicated TV show that runs on Fort Myers Channel 5, I recently discussed breast lifts, how and when they are indicated and how they differ from other breast surgery procedures. Here's a video of that appearance.

If you find this interesting, you will find other videos from this series archived in this blog. They also will be uploaded to the web site.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dr. Brueck discusses eyelid lifts on TV

Dr. Robert J. Brueck MD FACS is a Board Certified plastic surgeon who has been practicing for more than 30 years. His free standing cosmetic surgery center is located at 3700 Central Avenue in Fort Myers, Fl, with a satellite office in Cape Coral, FL. He blogs here regularly on subjects of health, medicine and plastic surgery. You also are invited to visit his web site at to learn more about almost every aspect of plastic surgery in Southwest Florida.

One of the most common medically-justified plastic surgery procedures is the eyelid lift.

A drooping upper eyelid is not only sometimes taken as a sign of fatigue, unhappiness or aging. In extreme cases, drooping upper eyelids can interfere with vision. If you can't see clearly and without obstruction when driving, you can be in a very hazardous situation.

Over the past few weeks, I have appeared on WINK-TV's American Health Journal, a nationally syndicated TV show that addresses a wide range of health and medical issue. Recently I talked about upper eyelid lifts, which I perform in my Fort Myers office.

A video of the appearance follows:

Whether or not a condition obstructs your vision or causes some other physical distress, cosmetic surgery by way of an upper eyelid lift is being seen more and more as a way to retain a youthful appearance and a confident attitude that goes with it.

It is not just a matter of vanity. It often is a matter of survival in a super-competitive labor market where decisions about who will be laid-off and who will be hired can rest on one's appearance. It may not be fair, but it is real.

As a result, I am seeing more and more patients who want to invest in their employ-ability by investing in their appearance.

If you would like to talk about it, give me a call at 239-939-5233 and we can set up a free, private and confidential consultation. There is no obligation. If you leave with nothing else, you will be wiser about your choices.

May your holidays be filled with joy and your new year overflow with prosperity and love.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stem Cells in Face Lifts - Dr. Brueck,Fort Myers cosmetic surgeon on TV

A few Sundays ago, Dr. Brueck appeared on American Health Journal, a syndicated TV program seen in Fort Myers on WINK Channel 5, to discuss the role of stem cells in cosmetic surgery.

In this case, the stem cells are produced from the fat of the same person who will receive them. Since the donor and the recipient are the same person, the potential healing power of the stem cells is optimized.

We're including a rerun of the video if you missed it on air. Let us know what you think of it.

You can find out more about a wide range of cosmetic surgery subjects by visiting Dr. Brueck's web site at

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Dr. Robert J. Brueck periodically blogs here on subjects related to cosmetic surgery, skin conditions and general health. For more information about cosmetic surgery, visit Dr. Brueck's web site.

Do you?

I have become quite aware that this is an increasing problem for many people today. I recently went to the national plastic surgery meeting in Toronto and learned that 7 to 8 million people suffer from hyperhidrosis or simply too much sweating.

The most common category of excessive sweating is primary hyperhidrosis There is no known cause. Excessive sweating can affect hands, face, underarms or feet. Secondary hyperhidrosis is due to over-active thyroid, high fever i.e. infection, maybe obesity, just to name a few.

The treatment for hyperhidrosis is either medical or surgical. There also seems to be hereditary component to this disorder. Some of the non-surgical solutions include certain medications, super strong antiperspirants such as Dry Sol. Another option is a procedure called Iontophoresis. Basically you put your hand and/or feet into a pan of water and pass a low voltage electric current through it. This somehow disrupts the sweat glands. This is not a permanent cure. One of the medicines you can take is Rubinal and it blocks the nerves that stimulate sweat glands but it can also lead to dry mouth.

Every so often we see patients with excessive sweating in the armpits and we do Botox injections to the area. This is an expensive procedure. Usually we inject around 100 units of Botox and at ten to twelve dollars per unit you can see that it becomes quite costly. When you consider that this may last 6 months to 8 months, the cost can be prohibitive.

One of the more common surgical therapies is ETS/Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy. This is usually done by a thoracic surgeon. The surgery takes 2-3 hours and patients usually stay overnight in the hospital. This procedure is great for excessive sweating in the palms. This procedure will cure about two-thirds of patients who have excessive sweating in their feet as well.

For patients with excessive sweating in their axilla or armpits we can do arthroscopic axillary gland resection. The area of excessive sweating is mapped out/a small incision is made in the armpit/the skin is separated and a small, about the size of pencil, arthrotomy shaver is used to remove the sweat glands. This procedure is done as an outpatient with a little sedation and takes about one hour. You can go back to work in a few days. This has proved very successful. It is also very cost effective if you consider the cost of Botox injections which have to be repeated every six months or so.

So if you are suffering from excessive sweating and would like to consider whether or not this procedure is for you please call our office at (239)939-5233 to schedule a complimentary consultation. We will have a special offer to the first five patients we see.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010


As we get ready to enter the Thanksgiving & Christmas season we can't help but be drawn to memories of this past year. Good or Bad. Will we look back on this past year with a sense of Thanks and gratitude. We all know people who's glass is either 1/2 full or 1/2 empty. Which are you?

I read a recent article about "giving thanks" that spoke to me and I wanted to share some of the thoughts expressed in the article particularly given this time of year. It turns out that giving thanks may be beneficial to your health. Studies have shown that people with a sense of gratitude have more energy-more joy in their heart and better social connection. They suffer from less depression and sleepless nights. Researchers now feel that there some benefits that accrue to adults-hold. I found out there is a new movement in psychology that has been labeled the "positive psych movement." An interesting study done by a Dr. Froh-Psychology Professor at Hofstra University compared differences in 1035 high school students. Those students who were "more grateful" had better grades and more friends. Those students who tipped the scales as being materialistic had lower grades and were more envious. I read and interesting quote be a Dr. Emmon, who is a Psych Professor at University of Miami and he said that gratitude is a complex emotion that requires "self reflection, the ability to admit that one is dependent on the help of others and the humility to realize one's own limitation."

Psychological experts believe part of our gratitude index is 50% determined by genes. Once again Thank you Mom, Thank you Dad. Experience determines the rest.

In life, we often face difficult situations, loss of a loved one, loss of a job, disappointments, loss of a home. We can't always control these but one thing we do control is our reactions to them. So maybe this holiday season as you reflect back on it, take a few minutes to list some of your many blessings and joys you experienced. I pray also the New Year will be one on which your glass will forever be 1/2 full. God bless and Thank you again for all your kind and generous support though out the year. These are tough times and I pray our heartfelt gratitude will over shadow all the negative so our glasses are always 1/2 full. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Stay tuned to more interesting articles that Dr. Robert J Brueck MD FACS will touch on. You can also visit his website at
